Wednesday, September 3, 2008

old age comes at a bad time.

I want to take a moment here to congratulate one of my best friends, Corinne, and her husband Bob on their new baby, Jaxon Richard Reggio. He was born on Sunday, and was seven pounds, three ounces, and 19 inches long. I'm really looking forward to going home and meeting him! This is my first close friend to have a child, which is really surreal, yet awesome. Corinne and Bob are going to be great parents... I look forward to seeing Jaxon grow up! It's strange, because Corinne is my 'first' friend; we met when I was five years old and she was six. We were pretty much babies ourselves. I guess Jaxon's birth, coupled with other events, have made me feel really old lately. First of all, I was walking to the library, and saw a flyer for some bar in town having a 90's party... you know you are getting old when the decade you grew up in is becoming 'nostalgia-ized.' Then, some undergrad almost ran into me the other day when I was carrying a pile of library books, and my kneejerk utterance was, 'Fucking kids.' Really, Julie? Wow. And this fall saw my brothers off to high school and kindergarten, respectively. It doesn't seem like that long ago that I started high school, and now Alex is there, eight years my junior. I realize that this is just the beginning of feeling old, but I didn't realize it would start when I was 23... 

1 comment:

Kylie said...

just wait... it was pointed out to me that my Alex will be nine in a year and a half. Oy! How did this happen???